Spanish Translation

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Exploring Non-Fiction

Over the last two weeks we have explored non-fiction texts.  We talked about the text features that non-fiction books have and what the purpose is for having the text features.
After exploring the books each child chose a non-fiction animal book to read and read it jotting down questions they had as they were reading.  After jotting down their questions, they decided what was their "burning question" they wanted to find the answer to.  They used their IPad to create a Pic Collage of their animal and their "burning question".  When they had that completed, they used the book  or other resources to find the answer to their question.  They recorded their answer and sited their source.  Take a peek at our non-fiction journey.

Then they shared their findings with their friends.

Then I hung them in the hall for our other OLE friends and teachers to see.

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